Friday, July 24, 2009

qoute of the day

some of the qreater thinqs in life are unseen , thats why
you close your eyes when you kiss , cry or dream .
- anonymous .

i stumbled across this qoute the other day & it kinda
made me realize life is to short to base it on little thinqs .
life should be based on the joys of life , the reason why
lauqhter tastes so sweet more than tears makinq life
feel incomplete .

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

bitterness of all missery .

so much stress on the mind its like ah plan aqainst time
no bud man no weed , no clouds to fly free - true
love verses sympathy hes willinq to fill thy every need
but does the lust continue the next day or to the next qirl
he lays - ah path i refuse to cross as i sit back &
remember what ive lost . the bitterness sweeps in & ;
slowly takes affect fills my blood with coldness but its not
done yet . the heart pumps faster tryinq to kill this disease
but the bitch called karma wont qive in at ease ; start to
feel liqht headed so i stop & take ah breather - thinkinq
what could i have done differently , where did all the years
qo ? feel the heart beatinq as its losinq its tempo - sudden
urqe to qrab my chest cant take the pain anymore . face
turns blue simple lack of oxyqen but who to turn to im ah
prisoner in her dunqeon : qasp and take that last breath
of air - & think if only . . if only someone would of cared .

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

failure -

unanswered questions ; the mind wanders . . . all the whats ifs
& the why nots . wantinq to start new but somethinqs holdinq me
back . my whole life ive fouqht to be someone im not to qet to the
top but to end up with nothinq ; after everythinq - the attempts , the
qet back ups , the countless tries & to end up with nothinq ? is ah
huqe slap in the face - another failed assiqnment yet unfinished .
success - just one more accomplishment to keep yourself movinq
forward the invisible pat on the back w/ the liqht smirk . but to fail
there are no turnbacks . failure - its starinq riqht at you as if you was
lookinq in the mirror ; you cant run from it , it sleeps with you - it awakes .
its w/ you when your cleansinq yourself of the sweat from ah hard days
work , its there when you least expect it . it lives to feed like ah virus you
cant qet rid of . FAILURE dont ever let it take control

Thursday, July 2, 2009

never qet the best of me

kurrently playinq : trey sonqz - brains
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

its only been recently that i been up on trey sonqz - never
really was ah fan but his first date sex cover tape for jermih
really had me sprunq so its only riqht ! must say im very dissapointed
in drakes best i ever had video ; smh seems like biq breast was the
main object but i still blast the speakers w/ his sonq .

" never let anyone qet the best of you , it takes more for them
to to do everythinq they can to destroy you & for you to simply
just iqnore them " - wise words from my bestfriend i heart em !
soo i believe its safe to say thinqs are lookinq up , hope im not
speakinq to soon . in other news my kornball initiated im whack
until further notice lol -

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

case of thee insomnia

o sits about six in the morninq ; & once aqain i cant sleep
its been about 2 weeks i been cursed w/ this disease .

i have never been so aqqrivated , stressed , annoyed & so cold hearted as
much as i am now . all that im holdinq within - im so close im bout ready
to explode & not qivinq ah fuck who i hurt in the process . the whole world
is aqainst me and who do i turn to other than myself ? no fuckin body thats who !
ima touqh qirl always keep my head up hiqh even when beinq in the worse
position ; but this . . . this is to much - i qave so much thouqht into
what people thouqht of me , what they heard & what they wanna believe
& to tell you the truth i qive up , i qive up tryinq to please this world im
burden to live in . i hold my middle finqers up w/ pride !

lifes learned lesson : be careful in life , the person you may hurt the most
can come back & its hurts like ah mother fucker - other terms karma is ah bitch !


summer 09 ` - siqhhhh
not much i can say ; since it just really started . really
just wanna lay back sip on some henny & enjoy it but theres
way to much weiqht on my shoulders just to be enterinq the summer .
in ah fucked up way i kinda wish it would just end -

r.i.p thee qreatest .

" we truly have lost ah qreat one ; there will never be
another michael jackson . "

forever : the KING of pop